DLS Pathology Services.
Your partner in digital pathology.
Our mission
Our mission is to support and develop local pathology services,
no matter what the budget or location.
Recent progress in digital technologies means that no pathology service should be limited by remote geographical location, lack of local support, limited budgets or the shortcomings of traditional glass-slide (analogue) pathology workflows.
At DLS Pathology Services, we believe that every medical service, with the appropriate support, can grow and flourish to support the needs of its local community.
Our People - Pathology

Jeremy Parry
Company Founder and Director
Member: Core Pathology Support (Team One)
Specialist support in all areas of histopathology
Sub-specialist expertise in haematopathology and digital pathology
Consultation services (second opinions)
Primary reporting
Support and development of digital pathology applications
Technical and academic support for pathology services
Educational support and lecturing
Managing Director duties
Dr Parry is a Consultant Anatomical Pathologist and the founder and Managing Director of DLS Pathology Services. Dr Parry has a background in the biological sciences and 14 years’ experience as a pathology Consultant reporting complex pathology specimens within the public and private pathology system in Australia. Dr Parry has sub-speciality expertise in haematopathology, gastrointestinal pathology, soft tissue and digital pathology and has multiple publications in peer reviewed journals. Dr Parry is the Coordinating Principal Investigator on multiple digital pathology machine-learning projects in collaboration with academic institutions including Murdoch University (Perth, Australia) and CSIRO (Australia) and speaks regularly on topics in digital pathology.

Anthony Longano
Member: Core Pathology Support
(Team One)
Specialist support in all areas of histopathology and cytopathology
Sub-specialist expertise in neuropathology, renal pathology, gynecological pathology, head-and-neck and uropathology
Educational support
Dr Longano is an experienced pathologist with extensive experience reporting complex surgical specimens in multiple hospitals in Victoria, Australia. Dr Longano has specialist expertise in neuropathology including brain tumours, pediatric pathology, renal medical pathology and head-and-neck tumours. He is a member of Core Team One, providing remote pathology support to overseas clients.

Dr Patrick Hosking is a Consultant Anatomical Pathologist with more than twenty years’ experience reporting complex specimens in pathology within the Australian public hospital system. Dr Hosking has internationally recognised sub-specialist expertise in haematopathology, head-and-neck pathology and renal pathology, with multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals. Dr Hosking was Director of the Department of Anatomical Pathology at a major Victorian hospital for 15 years and offers a busy haematolymphoid consultation service for clinicians and pathologists throughout Australia. Dr Hosking is Lead Pathologist for the Victorian and Tasmanian Amyloidosis Service and is Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University (Melbourne, Australia).

Cleve Magree
Senior Consultant Pathologist
Specialist support in all areas of histopathology and cytopathology
Sub-specialist expertise in breast, gastrointestinal, pulmonary and uropathology
Consultation services (second opinions)
Primary (personalized) reporting
Educational support and lecturing
Advice and support with digital technologies
Dr Cleve Magree is a Consultant Pathologist and a founding member of DLS Pathology Services. Dr Magree has extensive experience in the public and private sectors across a broad range of histopathology and cytopathology specimens, with particular expertise in breast pathology, gastrointestinal pathology and uropathology. Dr Magree is the lead pathologist on numerous multi-disciplinary (tumor) boards in Australia and is fluent in the application of digital technologies including digital remote pathology support.

Shadi Pirestah
Extended Consultation Network (ECN)
Specialist support in all areas of histopathology
Sub-specialist expertise in soft tissue pathology and skin (dermatopathology)
Second language expertise (fluent Farsi)
Dr Pirasteh is a Consultant Anatomical Pathologist who reports a wide range of complex specimens in both the public and private medical systems in Western Australia, including breast, gastrointestinal, soft tissue, skin and hematolymphoid. Dr Pirestah has sub-specialist expertise in soft tissue pathology and completed a three-month attachment in 2019 as a Visiting Fellow at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic Dermatopathology and Soft tissue Pathology Service in Cleveland USA, under the supervision of Drs Steven Billings and John Goldblum. She is also involved in pathology research projects.

Slavko Mutavdzic
Laboratory Support Service (LSS)
Technical support in all areas of laboratory medicine
Development and support of immunohistochemistry (IHC) services
Development and support of laboratory quality assurance (QA) programs
Education and lecturing
Application of digital technologies in laboratory medicine
Slavko is a Medical Scientist with over 30 years’ experience in public and private medical services in Australia and abroad. Slavko has managed laboratories in Australia and Vietnam and has entrepreneurial experience in medical application projects. He has extensive experience in laboratory medicine with emphasis in Anatomical Pathology as well as research experience including multiple peer-reviewed publications. With specialist knowledge in immunohistochemistry (IHC), Slavko is at present a Senior IHC scientist with the largest public pathology service in Perth, Western Australia.

Hang Quach
Extended Consultation Network (ECN)
Specialist support in all areas of haematology
Sub-specialist expertise in malignant haematolymphoid diseases
Consultation services (second opinions) for haematology cases
Clinical support for haematology services
Clinical support and leadership for clinical trials in haematopathology
Associate Professor Hang Quach is a Consultant Clinical and Laboratory Haematologist servicing major tertiary hospitals in Victoria, Australia and holds an Honorary position at The University of Melbourne. A/Prof Quach holds multiple clinical positions including Director of Haematology Clinical Trials at St Vincent’s Hospital, co-chair of the Myeloma Disease Group Committee of the ALLG (Australian Lymphoma and Leukemia Group), Councillor of the Specialist Medical Review Council on multiple myeloma to the Australian Minister of Veterans' Affairs, and Advisor to the Myeloma Scientific Advisory Group (MSAG) for Myeloma Australia. A/Prof Quach has sub-speciality expertise in multiple myeloma, lymphoma, myeloproliferative disease and acute leukemia and has multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Alena is an experienced Data Scientist with a degree in Business Information Technology and experience in entrepreneurship and business management. Alena addresses challenging problems with unique and tailored solutions, having effectively managed business processes and developed reliable digital and domain solutions for a variety of successful businesses in fields as diverse as workforce mobilization, public education, and artificial intelligence. At DLS Pathology Services, Alena is a Business and Data Manager responsible for client and investor liaisons, establishment of business workflows, and technical aspects of data management and analysis.
Our People - Business
Our People - Technology and Machine Learning
Kevin Wong is an Associate Professor in Computing and Artifical Intelligence (AI) and current Vice President (Conference) for The Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS). He is a Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Senior member of Australia Computer Society (ACS), and Certified Professional of ACS. He is also the current joint chapter chair for IEEE Computer Intelligence Society and IEE Robotic & Automation Society (WA Chapter). Kevin has successfully worked with many industries, implementing successful AI and data analytics techniques including Artificial Neural Networks/Deep Learning, Fuzzy System, Evolutionary Algorithms and hybrid intelligent systems. His industry collaborations include petroleum, mining, medical, agriculture, defense and business. Kevin also many international research project collaborations including Hungary, Japan, United Arab Emirates, USA, China, Singapore, and Malaysia. Artificial Intelligence algorithms developed by Kevin have been deployed in the software solutions by many of these partners. His latest project is working on the use of machine learning techniques in digital pathology.
Our People - Business
Our People - AI

Roma Beloborodov is a research scientist with an MSc in Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology from the Moscow State University and a PhD in Geophysics from Curtin University in Western Australia. Roma’s research focuses on the development of cross-disciplinary workflows and algorithms for quantitative geophysical interpretation using advanced statistical modelling tools. Apart from his main occupation he conducts active independent research in the quantitative analysis of the biotech sector of the US stock market. Roma is a Consultant to DLS Pathology Services on a broad spectrum of applications in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence including tools for automating pathology workflows and tissue imaging methods.
Our People - Legal
Our Partners - Current partnerships
DLS Pathology Service works collaboratively with partners across the fields of pathology, laboratory science, digital technologies and finance.
LucidLink provide DLS Pathology Services with a high-performance Cloud-native file service at affordable cost, with personalised support.
Smart Reporting offer fully integrated Image Analysis and Reporting services in Radiology and Pathology including applications supported and recommended by DLS Pathology Services.
Microvisioneer offer an innovative software and personalised support package allowing users to convert digital images directly into whole slide images (WSI) of a quality comparable to commercial whole slide scanners.